When considering options to restore your smile in the case of missing teeth, it is important to acknowledge that changes in the gums and bone structure over time can lead to issues with denture fit. Here at Chestnut Family Dentistry, we offer overdentures as a solution. These provide an effective alternative for achieving a stable and reliable outcome.

Overdentures, also referred to as snap-on dentures or implant-supported dentures, offer a secure fit through the use of strategically placed implants. These implants serve as anchors, allowing the denture to securely “snap on” to them. This approach not only rejuvenates your smile but also offers stability and confidence in terms of both aesthetics and oral health. In many cases, as few as two implants can adequately support the overdenture, though your specific needs may warrant additional implants.

Overdentures offer numerous benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Comfort: Overdentures feature attachments that minimize pressure on the gumline, reducing discomfort and potential gum problems.
  • Optimal Function: As compared to traditional removable dentures, snap-on dentures provide improved function and comfort, facilitating better chewing and speaking.
  • Stability: With overdentures, the concern of dentures “floating” or becoming loose is eliminated, contributing to a greater sense of stability and confidence.
  • Self-Assurance: Enjoy enhanced self-confidence as your smile is restored with a natural-looking and secure solution.
  • Dietary Freedom: Overdentures enable you to comfortably enjoy a wide range of foods and beverages, without concerns about denture stability.

To learn more about the benefits of overdentures in Asheville, North Carolina and discuss whether this solution aligns with your dental needs, we invite you to reach out to us at 828-255-0936 and schedule a consultation with our experienced dentists, Dr. Wendy Willoughby or Dr. Teresa Bare.